Once again, SHS Varsity Head Coach Rob Perpall, along with SHS coaches and players, will be holding a pre-season clinic for all 2019 registered Bronco players.  The clinic will be on Wednesday, July 31st, from 6-8pm on the SHS Varsity Turf field.  All players should wear shoulder pads and helmets ("uppers"), shorts, a cup, cleats, and bring a water bottle labeled with name.  For returning Broncos, you can wear your jersey from last year if it still fits.  For those without a jersey, we will have practice pinnies available at the field.  We strongly encourage all of our 2019 Broncos to attend this clinic - these clinics are run by volunteers and we would like to show our gratitude with a large turnout.  Register online as soon as possible so the evening can be planned accordingly.  Thank you.

2018 Clinic Photos:  https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZdAEkc81joetSYRS7

2016 Never Quit Clinic Photos:  https://goo.gl/photos/4atFnNVb7dHuXBUt6

2017 Never Quit Clinic Photos:


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