Long Island Youth Football Player Academy
The Long Island Broncos are proud to announce that the Long Island Youth Football Player Academy will return for it’s 2nd season right here at Cedar Creek Park. The dates for the clinic are July 11th through July 14th, from 9a-12noon.
In addition, the Broncos have once again been offered a discounted price, and Bronco players can register for the 4-day clinic for $100 rather than the usual $150 registration fee. When registering online, use discount code Seaford50 to receive the $50 discount. Register online at: http://www.liyfplayeracademy.com/
Registration is capped, so please register early if interested. We had a great Bronco turnout last year (see video below), and would like even more Broncos in attendance this year.
Also, please spread the word to any rookies who are considering football for the first time, as it is a great sample of what football has to offer.
Thank you.
Video of 2015 Clinic: https://youtu.be/fhA2PHbq5o8
L.I.Y.F. Player Academy Mission Statement
The Long Island Youth Football Player Academy is a four day fundamental based camp that puts the emphasis of teaching “player safety” as its NUMBER ONE PRIORITY! It is no secret that there has been a large amount media attention putting a spotlight on the “dangers” of playing football. The game that is loved by many is under extreme pressure to help provide answers in promoting and implementing strategies and techniques that increase player safety. There has always been an inherent “risk” of possible injury while participating in the game of football. However, current research continues to support that with learning and practicing the proper “techniques” coupled with building an “awareness” that emphasizes a “safety first” mind-set those risks can be reduced significantly.
The Long Island Youth Football Player Academy has a professional staff comprised of Varsity level coaches from throughout Nassau County that believe in our mission of a “player safety” first curriculum. These coaches are all New York State certified teachers and coaches, who have a wealth of experience in coaching the game of football. Each staff member took a further step in their professional development by completing another certification offered through USA Football’s “Heads-Up” program. In addition to teaching youth players how to play the game in “safest way”, the academy will teach all the basic fundamental skills that make for a better football player. The camp will also include segments of “position specific” time periods devoted for further development in the areas of offense, defense, and special teams for each of our campers.
For young athletes in Nassau County, a great opportunity to do just that will soon take place in their own backyard. L.I.Y.F Youth Football Player Academy Camp will be from July 11- 14 at a Cedar Creek Park in Seaford, New York – youth players aged 6-14 will have the opportunity to receive top instruction on the football fundamentals of offense, defense and special teams.
Player Academy encompasses four days of instruction. Academy players are split into four age brackets – 6-8, 9-10, 11-12 and 13-14 – allowing for age-appropriate pace and sophistication. The camps’ controlled and limited contact also incorporates game-like situations. In addition to great instruction, campers will have the opportunity to win awards and compete in our youth combine and other camp competitions throughout the week. We are excited to build “safer” and “better” football players through this one of a kind camp.