TeamSnap “Shared Access”
A few people have reached out regarding being unable to access their child’s team account on the TeamSnap app. If you are receiving e-mails, but do not have access through the app, please see below.
When you registered online, the e-mail log-in that you used as the primary parent account has full access to the player account. This e-mail address can log-in and edit account information such as profile pic, add family members, etc. If you listed information for a 2nd parent when registering, they will receive all e-mails, but do not have full access to editing the account, and cannot use the mobile app to view the team information. If you would like to “share” access between parents so that multiple users have full access (including the app), please follow these steps:
– Log into your account(s) from a computer using the TeamSnap website, not from the mobile app. Log-in with the primary e-mail address that you registered with.
– Under “Family Members”, select Edit next to the parent you want to share access with. Then select “Shared Access” and make sure the box at the bottom reading “Send this contact an email invitation” is selected (see attached pics). They will then receive an e-mail invite, which once accepted, will grant full account access. You can also add additional family members to receive e-mails, have “shared” access, etc.
– If you have any questions, please e-mail